16 Produkte  
    Infinity Hybrid Guide - Fitzpatrick Hauttöne und Haarfarbenkarte
    $0.00 CAD
    Infinity Aqua Drops Tint Gold Kit All Products Over Light Background
    Aphrodite Liquid Tint Bottle & Box Over White Background
    Infinity Aqua Drops Tönungsset Gold
    $260.00 CAD
    Tint Bronze Kit products display
    Brow tint colour showcase
    Infinity Aqua Drops Tönungsset Bronze
    $133.00 CAD
    Infinity Aqua Drops Tint Silver Kit: Product assortment display
    Eyebrow Tint Color Palette
    Infinity Aqua Drops Tönungsset Silber
    $170.00 CAD
    Bronze Kit - products display
    Cream tint with colour palette display
    Infinity Luxe Hybrid Cream Tint Bronze Kit
    $160.00 CAD
    Liquid tint oxidizer product display
    Open bottle of Spray Liquid Oxidizer on display
    Infinity Hybrid Flüssigtönungsoxidator, 60 ml
    $18.00 CAD
    Cream tint oxidizer 3% - product display
    7 tubes of tint shades and cream tint oxidizer – product display
    Infinity Hybrid Cremetönung Oxidizer 30ml
    $18.00 CAD
    Cool toner tint in a tube with packaging beside
    Color palette of brow tint displayed on hands
    Infinity Aqua Drops Tint Zeus (kühler Toner)
    $23.00 CAD
    Infinity Aqua Drops Tint Nemesis (Black) - product display
    Brow shade colours displayed on hands
    Infinity Aqua Drops Tönung Nemesis (Schwarz)
    $23.00 CAD
    Light brown brow tint shade product display
    Colour palette of brow tint shades on hands
    Infinity Aqua Drops Farbton Aphrodite (Hellbraun)
    $23.00 CAD
    Medium brown brow tint - product display
    Brow shade colours displayed on hands
    Infinity Aqua Drops Tint Apollo (Mittelbraun)
    $23.00 CAD
    Tube and packaging of dark brown brow tint
    Brow tint colour display on hands
    Infinity Aqua Drops Tönung Electra (Dunkelbraun)
    $23.00 CAD
    Red eyebrow tint tube with package displayed
    Brow tint shade selection displayed on hands
    Infinity Aqua Drops Farbtöne Ares (Rot)
    $23.00 CAD
    Blonde brow tint tube and packaging display
    brow tint colour palette displayed on hands
    Infinity Aqua Drops Tönung Selene (Blond)
    $23.00 CAD
    Cleanser for Eyebrows and Eyelashes - product display
    Cleaner showing foaming action
    Infinity Feuchtigkeitsreiniger 60ml
    $23.50 CAD
    Saline Solution for Eyelashes and Eyebrows - product display
    Saline Solution in a bottle 100ml
    Infinity Hybrid Kochsalzlösung 100ml
    $23.00 CAD